
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Public Embarrassment #1

Last week I got the biggest kick out of Domain of the Mad Monny's blog post and it inspired me to write a little story about my own two kids when they were young and ornery.
The public embarrassment always seem to stick in your mind because of all the witnesses.
I too have plenty of them but I will start with this one.
Between the sports, school and work there was just enough time to shop for groceries and then go and make supper. The school bus would drop off the kids at a pick up place which in this case was a Publix grocery store. I would combine pick up and grocery shopping to save time, so I thought. How they got away from me has always been a mystery. I swear they could be so quiet and I would look around and they would be gone. They were very sneaky and worked in a pack.
As I am picking up the essentials I hear my kids a couple of aisle down. Of course all the alarms in your head go off, OMG now what are they doing. So I go off searching for them looking down the aisles when I finally spotted them. My daughter who was 5 at the time and my son was 8 had their shirts up over their shoulders and had plungers stuck to there bellies sword fighting with them!!!!!
I looked, I couldn't believe my eyes, and then I just kept walking like they were not my kids.Of course now it is funny. My Mom will be so mad at me when she reads this but sometimes you just don't claim them!

Would love to hear your most embarrasing kid moments!

Authored by +Shawna Williams

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