
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Four Seasons Blog Hop #52

Four Seasons Blog Hop - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week! 
So Let's Get This Party Started!!

Share your  food creations, gardening, clever projects, tablescapes, decorations, party themes, and inspirational knowledge ... Ok, you get the point.  Join us every Thursday (opens Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm). Please stay for awhile and show some love to the guests, join us in the fun and grab a button. 
Four Seasons Blog Button

We will share your posts in a variety of ways on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.  We will also have features of the week! Be sure to follow our Four Seasons Board on Pinterest!  By participating in this linky party, you agree to have your posts shared on social media and Pinterest and to receive email and Google notifications for reminders about the party. If you don't want to receive notifications, please let us know.

Featured Bloggers

This week we are featuring three bloggers!

Catherine Cappiello Pappas and Tammy Pappas, believe "The heart of our home is the kitchen. To us, it is so much more than a place where meals are created, it is where memories are made over meals that are meant to be shared, and laughter is spread. It takes more than just fresh ingredients to formulate a meal. We mix together care and affection and sprinkle each serving with love." And every recipe they post is a demonstration that each serving is sprinkled with love! 
 Living the Gourmet
Click and stop by for a visit

Vashti Quiroz-Vega a Fiction Writer and blogger who enjoys " . . . making people feel an array of emotions with my writing. I like my audience to laugh one moment, cry the next and clench their jaws after that."  We enjoy Vashti's stories and posts as much as she enjoys writing! Stop by and visit her blog at


More Linky Parties To Enjoy 

Link Posts Above - Parties Below

Authored by +Terri Henkels and +Shawna Williams 

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