
Monday, May 19, 2014

Migration of the Cedar Wax Wings

Migration of the Cedar Wax Wing - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

Early Saturday morning my husband and I watched flocks of Cedar Wax Wings gather in our trees. At least 50 of them in our tree closest to our deck and hundred's more in the neighbors' trees.

They flew in from the South
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wing - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

 They hung upside down 
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wing - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning
and every which way in the tree
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wings - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

They ate the maple tree seeds
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wings - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

A beautiful site to behold and hours of enjoyment
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wing - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

And then they just left to continue their migration journey and to find homes for the summer
Migration of the Cedar Wax Wing - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

Authored by +Terri Henkels

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