
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Four Seasons Party #59

Four Seasons Blog Hop - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

Welcome to the Four Seasons Party

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Our host team is taking a summer break and we will resume the Four Seasons Party on September 3rd. To kick off our summer break you will find our Featured Blogger, Featured posts from last week's party and a Sverve Link up party.

Featured Blogger

Featured Blogger - Four Seasons PartyWe love +Nancy Wolff great recipes, gardening tips and much more at the Prudent Living On the Home Front blog. Nancy is the editor of Prudent Living Magazine and lives in Vermont. "During her 30 years of gardening, she has completed both the master Gardener and the Master Composter programs offered through the state extension bureaus. She is interested in providing delicious, nutritious, chemical-free food for her family. She gardens organically, and what food is not consumed immediately she ried to preserve to be enjoyed later . . ."  And you can't miss the party she hosts The HomeAcre Hop which is listed below (just click) in our More Parties You Will Like Section!

  Most Popular Post (It's A Tie)

Four Seasons Blog Button

Sverve Link Up - Easy Life Meal & Party PlanningSee our earlier post to learn more indepth information about Sverve or if you have been procrastinating on signing up now is a great time @ Sverve

So we thought it would be great to connect with each other on Sverve!! Hence, a Sverve party where you can connect your Sverve URL (if you don't know your Sverve site's URL then just click on your own Sverve button and copy and paste the URL).

More Linky Parties To Enjoy 

Link Posts Above - Parties Below

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This website contains endorsements for products and services, which means when you click on a link that we recommend,we may receive a commission.  Not every link is an affiliate link (one I get paid for), but some are. Some links are my own.
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