Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May Day Baskets

May Day Baskets - Easy Life Meal & Party PlanningTomorrow is May Day and coincidentally I had my granddaughter and her best friend at my house today so we had a fun time making May Day Baskets. For me it was a  little walk down memory lane because my kids and I use to make May Baskets every year until it was no longer the "cool" thing to be caught doing. In all honesty, I don't know if anyone shares May Baskets anymore but it is a fun activity for kids. The reason I am a fan is it teaches kids the value of giving of their time and giving to others.

Four Seasons Blog Hop #49

Four Seasons Blog Hop - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week! 

News Flash
Before we get started, our wonderful Co-Host, Betty Taylor, is taking a summer sabbatical. We wish Betty a fabulous summer and hope to see her back this fall.  

We would LOVE to have one or more of YOU JOIN US as a CO-HOST! Let us know if you are interested at or message us at Google + 

REMINDER: If you are linking a party you host or co-host you can do so in the "More Parties to Enjoy Section" at the bottom of the post!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Quick & Easy Loaded Tater Tots

Loaded Tater Tots - Easy Life Meal & Party PlanningLoaded Tater Tots is a quick and easy appetizer or meal. I love loaded baked potatoes and when I have time I like to make them the "old fashioned" way in the oven and not the microwave. However, this is a great substitute for those days when you don't have time to wait for baked potatoes. And the guys in the family love this dish!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baby Calves, Pinantas and Miniature Butterfly & Flower Sugar Cookies=Our Family Easter Holiday

Easter on the Farm baby calves - Easy Life Meal & Party PlanningWe had the most beautiful and perfect Easter holiday at the farm. Most holidays our family places a lot of emphasis on food but Easter food is trumped by the call of the great outdoors.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Four Seasons Blog Hop #48

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Building a Community Garden

For the past two years I have been facilitating a community health initiative with one of our goals opening a community garden this Spring. So for the past several months I have been immersed in developing a community garden plan, writing grant applications, identifying what amenities we want at the garden and marketing.  The past few weeks have been extremely hectic trying to get it off the ground (no pun intended). In fact, it has taken so much time that I have been diverted from a lot of my blogging work!  So my apologies to all the hosted parties that I have missed. I'm ready to get back on track with my blogging duties!

With $3,600 in grant funds from our the Polk County Health Department and United Way, we were able to move forward with our community garden.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Four Seasons Blog Hop #47

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tropical Fruit Salad

Nothing like spring and the first taste of fresh strawberries, kiwi's and of course my pineapple out of my garden. I just can't get enough whether for breakfast or a snack.

Tropical Fruit Salad
3/4c-pineapple chunks

Place all ingredients in a bowl and if desired sprinkle a little sugar (1Tblsp.) on top stir and place in bowl.

You can also top with toasted coconut, chopped nuts, whip cream or natural sugar cane crystals.

Authored by +Shawna Williams


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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies - Easy Life Meal & Party PlanningYesterday I had my 4 year old grandson visit for the day. One of the first things he asked for was homemade cookies and no he did not want chocolate chip cookies (What?) They had to be chocolate oatmeal. That was fine with me they are my personal favorite.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Four Seasons Blog Hop #46

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Easy Cauliflower & Bacon Salad

Easy Cauliflower & Bacon Salad - Easy Life Meal & Party Planning - A wonderful creamy salad filled with cauliflower, bacon, cucumber, cheese & a sprinkling of peas!This is a wonderful creamy salad filled with cauliflower, bacon, cucumbers, cheese and a sprinkling of peas!

It is one of my top favorite salad recipes. It is a great every day dish but it usually ends up on my menu for parties and holidays.  It is an especially nice salad to serve for Easter dinner.

Four Seasons Blog Hop #45

Welcome to the Four Seasons Blog Hop

A party where we can celebrate the greatness that each season brings to our lives.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their wonderful creations last week and to all of you who are joining us new this week!